Shifting of Technical Blog

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CIR v Livingston and Others [1926] 11TC538

A sea vessel was purchased as a joint venture by three individuals. The Lord President stated:

“The Respondents began by getting together a capital stock sufficient (1) to buy a second-hand vessel, and (2) to convert her into a marketable drifter. They bought the vessel and caused it to be converted at their expense with that object in view, and they successfully put her on the market. From beginning to end, these operations seem to me to be the same as those which characterise the trade of converting and refitting second-hand articles for sale… The profit made by the venture arose, not from the mere appreciation of the capital value of an isolated purchase for resale, but from the expenditure on the subject purchased of money laid out upon it for the purpose of making it marketable at a profit. That seems to me of the very essence of trade”.'

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